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Our journal articles

Lopez-Cubillos, S., R. K. Runting, M. M. Mayfield & E. McDonald-Madden. 2021. Catalytic potential of pollination services to reconcile conservation and agricultural production: a spatial optimization framework. Environmental Research Letters 16: 064098

Bal, P., J.R. Rhodes, J. Carwardine, S. Legge, A. Tulloch, E. Game, T.G. Martin, H.P. Possingham & E. McDonald-Madden. 2021. How to choose a cost-effective indicator to trigger conservation decisions? Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12(3): 520-529. 

Xiao, H., I. Chades, N. Hill, N. Murray, R.A. Fuller & E. McDonald-Madden. 2021. Conserving migratory species while safeguarding ecosystem services. Ecological Modelling 442, 109442.

Spillias, S., P. Kareiva, M. Ruckelshaus & E. McDonald-Madden. 2020. Renewable energy targets may undermine their sustainability. Nature Climate Change 10: 974-976.   

Han, Yi, N.P. Kristensen, Y.M. Buckley, D.J. Maple, J. West & E. McDonald-Madden. 2020. Predicting the ecosystem-wide impacts of eradication with limited information using a qualitative modelling approach. Ecological Modelling 430, 109122. 

O'Bryan, C.J., A.R. Braczkowski, R.J. Soares Magalhaes & E. McDonald-Madden. 2020. Conservation epidemiology of predators and scavengers to reduce zoonotic risk. The Lancet Planetary Health 4(8), E304-E305.

Adams, M.P., E.J.Y. Koh, M.P. Vilas, C.J. Collier, V.M. Lambert, S.A. Sisson, M. Quiroz, E. McDonald-Madden, L.J. McKenzie, K.R. O'Brien. 2020. Predicting seagrass decline due to cumulative stressors. Environmental Modelling and Software, 130: 104717. 

Xie, Z., E.T. Game, R.J. Hobbs, D.J. Pannell, S.R. Phinn & E. McDonald-Madden. 2020. Conservation opportunities on uncontested lands. Nature Sustainability 3: 9-15. 

O'Bryan, C.J., J.R. Allan, M. Holden, C. Sanderson, O. Venter, M. Di Marco, E. McDonald-Madden & J.E.M. Watson. 2020. Intense human pressure is widespread across terrestrial vertebrate ranges. Global Ecology and Conservation 21: e00882. 

Adams, M.P., S.A. Sisson, K.J. Helmstedt, C.M. Baker, M.H. Holden, M. Plein, J. Holloway, K.L. Mengersen & E. McDonald-Madden. 2020. Informing management decisions for ecological networks, using dynamic models calibrated to noisy time-series data. Ecology Letters 23(4): 607-619.

Xiao, H., McDonald-Madden, E., Sabbadin, R., Peyrard, N., Dee, L.E., & Chades, I. 2019. The value of understanding feedbacks from ecosystem functions to species for managing ecosystems. Nature Communications, 10: 3901.


Kristensen, N.P., R.A. Chisholm & E. McDonald-Madden. 2019. Dealing with high uncertainty in qualitative network models using Boolean analysis. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10(7): 1048-1061. 

Xie, Z., Phinn, S.R., Game, E.T., Pannell, D.J., Hobbs, R.J., Briggs, P.R., & McDonald-Madden, E. 2019b. Using Landsat observations (1988–2017) and Google Earth Engine to detect vegetation cover changes in rangelands - A first step towards identifying degraded lands for conservation. Remote Sensing of Environment, 232: 111317.

Xie, Z., Huete, A., Cleverly, J., Phinn, S., McDonald-Madden E., Cao, Y., Qin, F. 2019. Multi-climate mode interactions drive hydrological and vegetation responses to hydroclimatic extremes in Australia. Remote Sensing of Environment, 231: 111270. 

Lopez-Cubillos, S., F. Suarez-Castro, E. McDonald-Madden, D. Biggs, G. Nates-Parra, C. Gutierrez-Chacon & R.K. Runting. 2019. Colombia short on political will to protect pollinators. Nature 573: 196. 

O'Bryan, C.J., Holden, M.H., & Watson, J.E. 2019. The mesoscavenger release hypothesis and implications for ecosystem and human well‐being. Ecology Letters 9: 1340-1348. 


Bal, P., J. Rhodes, A. Tulloch, P. Addison & E. McDonald-Madden. 2018. Selecting indicator species for biodiversity management. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 16(10): 589-598. 

Baker, C.M., Bode, M., Dexter, N., Lindenmayer, D.B., Foster, C., MacGregor, C., Plein, M., McDonald-Madden, E. 2018. A novel approach to assessing the ecosystem‐wide impacts of reintroductions. Ecological Applications. doi: 10.1002/eap.1811.

McDonald-Madden, E. 2018. Environmental decisions and the work/life environment: a story of how the edge brought prioritisation to the fore. Pacific Conservation Biology 24(3): 256-260

Xiao, H., E. Dee,L., Chadès,L., Peyrard,N., Sabbadin,R., Stringer M., McDonald‐Madden E. 2018. Win‐wins for biodiversity and ecosystem service conservation depend on the trophic levels of the species providing services. Journal of Applied Ecology, doi:

Pannell, D., Alston, J.M., Jeffrey, S., Buckley, Y.M., Vesk, P., Rhodes, J.R., McDonald-Madden, E., Nally, S., Goucher, G., Thamo, T. 2018. Policy-oriented environmental research: What is it worth? Environmental Science and Policy 86: 64-71.


Bal, P., Tulloch, A.I.T., Chades, I., Carwardine, J., McDonald-Madden, E., Rhodes, J.R. 2018. Quantifying the value of monitoring species in multi-species, multi-threat systems. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9(7): 1706-1717.

McDonald, J.A., Helmstedt, K.J., Bode, M., Coutts, S., McDonald-Madden, E., Possingham, H.P. 2018. Improving private land conservation with outcome‐based biodiversity payments. Journal of Applied Ecology 55(3): 1476-1485.

O’Bryan, C.J., Braczkowski, A.R., Beyer, H.L., Carter, N.H., Watson, J.E.M., McDonald-Madden, E. 2018. The contribution of predators and scavengers to human well-being. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 1.

Brito-Morales, I., Garcia Molinos, J., Schoeman, D.S., Burrows, M.T., Poloczanska, E.S., Brown, C.J., Ferrier, S., Harwood, T.D., Klein, C.J., McDonald-Madden, E., Moore, P.J., Pandolfi, J.M., Watson, J.E.M., Wenger, A.S., Richardson, A.J. 2018. Climate velocity can inform conservation in a warming world. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 33(6): 441-457. 

Pesendorfer, M.B., Baker, C.M., Stringer, M., McDonald-Madden, E., Bode, M., McEachern, A.K., Morrison, S.A., Sillett, T.S. 2017. Oak habitat recovery on California’s largest islands: scenarios for the role of corvid seed dispersal. Journal of Applied Ecology, doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.13041.


Biggs, D., Holden, M.H., Braczkowski, A., Cook, C., Milner-Gulland, E.J., Phelps, J., Scholes, R.J., Smith, R.J., Underwood, F.M., Adams, V., Allan, J., Brink, H., Cooney, R., Gao, Y., Hutton, J., McDonald-Madden, E., Maron, M., Redford, K.H., Sutherland, W.J., Possingham, H.P. 2017. Breaking the deadlock on ivory: an iterative process that recognizes different value systems may help to protect elephants. Science 358 (6369), 2-5.


Holden, M.H., McDonald-Madden, E. 2017. Conservation from the grave: human burials to fund the conservation of threatened species, Conservation Letters, doi: 10.1111/conl.12421.


Bonebrake TC, Brown CJ, Bell JD, Blanchard JL, Chauvenet A, Champion C, Chen I-C, Clark TD, Colwell RK, Danielsen F, Dell AI, Donelson JM, Evengård B, Ferrier S, Frusher S, Garcia RA, Griffis RB, Hobday AJ, Jarzyna MA, Lee E, Lenoir J, Linnetved H, Martin VY, McCormack PC, McDonald J, McDonald-Madden E, Mitchell N, Mustonen T, Pandolfi JM, Pettorelli N, Possingham H, Pulsifer P, Reynolds M, Scheffers BR, Sorte CJB, Strugnell JM, Tuanmu M-N, Twiname S, Vergés A, Villanueva C, Wapstra E, Wernberg T, Pecl GT. 2017. Managing consequences of climate-driven species redistribution requires integration of ecology, conservation and social science. Biological Reviews DOI: 10.1111/brv.12344.


Holden MH, McDonald-Madden E. 2017. High prices for rare species can drive large populations extinct: the anthropogenic Allee effect revisited. Journal of Theoretical Biology 429: 170-180.

Moore AL, Walker L, Runge MC, McDonald-Madden E, McCarthy MA. 2017. Two-step adaptive management for choosing between two management actions. Ecological Applications DOI:10.1002/eap.1515.

Dee LE, Allesina S, Bonn A, Eklöf A, Gaines SD, Hines J, Jacob U, McDonald-Madden E, Possingham H, Schröter M, Thompson RM. 2017. Operationalizing network theory for ecosystem service assessments. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 32: 118-130.

Watson JEM, Jones KR, Fuller RA, Marco MD, Segan DB, Butchart SHM, Allan JR, McDonald-Madden E, Venter O. 2016. Persistent disparities between recent rates of habitat conversion and protection and implications for future global conservation targets. Conservation Letters 9: 413-421.

Southwell DM, Rhodes JR, McDonald-Madden E, Nicol S, Helmstedt KJ, McCarthy MA. 2016. Abiotic and biotic interactions determine whether increased colonization is beneficial or detrimental to metapopulation management. Theoretical Population Biology 109: 44-53.

Runge MC, Stroeve JC, Barrett AP, McDonald-Madden E. 2016. Detecting failure of climate predictions. Nature Climate Change 6: 861-864.

McDonald-Madden E, Sabbadin R, Game ET, Baxter PWJ, Chadès I, Possingham HP. 2016. Using food-web theory to conserve ecosystems. Nature Communications 7: 10245.

Tulloch VJD, Tulloch AIT, Visconti P, Halpern BS, Watson JEM, Evans MC, Auerbach NA, Barnes M, Beger M, Chadès I, Giakoumi S, McDonald-Madden E, Murray NJ, Ringma J, Possingham HP. 2015. Why do we map threats? Linking threat mapping with actions to make better conservation decisions. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 13: 91-99.

Maxwell SL, Rhodes JR, Runge MC, Possingham HP, Ng CF, McDonald-Madden E. 2015. How much is new information worth? Evaluating the financial benefit of resolving management uncertainty. Journal of Applied Ecology 52: 12-20.

Mills M, Nicol S, Wells JA, Lahoz-Monfort JJ, Wintle B, Bode M, Wardrop M, Walshe T, Probert WJM, Runge MC, Possingham HP, McDonald-Madden E. 2014. Minimizing the cost of keeping options open for conservaton in a changing climate. Conservation Biology 28:646-653.

Ponce-Reyes R, Clegg SM, Carvalho SB, McDonald-Madden E, Possingham HP. 2014. Geographical surrogates of genetic variation for selecting island populations for conservation. Diversity and Distributions 20: 640-651.

Game ET, Meijaard E, Sheil D, McDonald-Madden E. 2014. Conservation in a wicked complex world; challenges and solutions. Conservation Letters 7: 271-277.

Lunt ID, Byrne M, Hellmann JJ, Mitchell NJ, Garnett ST, Hayward MW, Martin TG, McDonald-Madden E, Williams SE, Zander KK. 2013. Using assisted colonisation to conserve biodiversity and restore ecosystem function under climate change. Biological Conservation 157: 172-177.

Rout TM, McDonald-Madden E, Martin TG, Mitchell NJ, Possingham HP, Armstrong DP. 2013. How to decide whether to move species threatened by climate change. PLoS ONE 8: 0075814.

McDonald-Madden E, Game ET. 2013. Infusing structure into environmental management decisions. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 28: 258-259.

Guisan A, Tingley R, Baumgartner JB, Naujokaitis-Lewis I, Sutcliffe PR, Tulloch AIT, Regan TJ, Brotons L, McDonald-Madden E, Mantyka-Pringle C, Martin TG, Rhodes JR, Maggini R, Setterfield SA, Elith J, Schwartz MW, Wintle BA, Broennimann O, Austin M, Ferrier S, Kearney MR, Possingham HP, Buckley YM. 2013. Predicting species distributions for conservation decisions. Ecology Letters 16: 1424-1435.

Game ET, Fitzsimons JA, Lipsett-Moore G, McDonald-Madden E. 2013. Subjective risk assessment for planning conservation projects. Environmental Research Letters 8: 045027.

Martin TG, Nally S, Burbidge AA, Arnall S, Garnett ST, Hayward MW, Lumsden LF, Menkhorst P, McDonald-Madden E, Possingham HP. 2012. Acting fast helps avoid extinction. Conservation Letters 5: 274-280.

Probert WJM, Hauser CE, McDonald-Madden E, Runge MC, Baxter PWJ, Possingham HP. 2011. Managing and learning with multiple models: objectives and optimization algorithms. Biological Conservation 144: 1237-1245.

McDonald-Madden E, Runge MC, Possingham HP, Martin TG. 2011. Optimal timing for managed relocation of species faced with climate change. Nature Climate Change 1: 261-265.

McDonald-Madden E, Chadès I, McCarthy MA, Linkie M, Possingham HP. 2011. Allocating conservation resources between areas where persistence of a species is uncertain. Ecological Applications 21: 844-858.


McDonald-Madden E, Baxter PWJ, Fuller RA, Martin TG, Game ET, Montambault J, Possingham HP. 2011. Should we implement monitoring or research for conservation? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 26: 108-109.

Keith DA, Martin TG, McDonald-Madden E, Walters C. 2011. Uncertainty and adaptive management for biodiversity conservation. Biological Conservation 144: 1175-1178.

Jones JPG, Collen B, Atkinson G, Baxter PWJ, Bubb P, Illian JB, Katzner TE, Keane A, Loh J, McDonald-Madden E, Nicholson E, Pereira HM, Possingham HP, Pullin AS, Rodrigues ASL, Ruiz-Gutierrez, V Sommerville M, Milner-Gulland EJ. 2011. The why, what, and how of global biodiversity indicators beyond the 2010 target. Conservation Biology 25: 450-457.

Burbidge AA, Byrne M, Coats D, Garnett ST, Harris S, Hayward MW, Martin TG, McDonald-Madden E, Mitchell NJ, Nally S, Setterfield SA. 2011. Is Australia ready for assisted colonization? Policy changes required to facilitate translocations under climate change. Pacific Conservation Biology 17: 259-269.

Barr LM, Pressey RL, Fuller RA, Segan DB, McDonald-Madden E, Possingham HP. 2011. A new way to measure the world's protected area coverage. PLoS ONE 6: 0024707.

McDonald-Madden EVE, Probert WJM, Hauser CE, Runge MC, Possingham HP, Jones ME, Moore JL, Rout TM, Vesk PA, Wintle BA. 2010. Active adaptive conservation of threatened species in the face of uncertainty. Ecological Applications 20: 1476-1489.

McDonald-Madden E, Baxter PWJ, Fuller RA, Martin TG, Game ET, Montambault J, Possingham HP. 2010. Monitoring does not always count. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 25: 547-550.

Grantham HS, Bode M, McDonald-Madden E, Game ET, Knight AT, Possingham HP. 2010. Effective conservation planning requires learning and adaptation. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 8: 431-437.

Fuller RA, McDonald-Madden E, Wilson KA, Carwardine J, Grantham HS, Watson JEM, Klein CJ, Green DC, Possingham HP. 2010. Replacing underperforming protected areas achieves better conservation outcomes. Nature 466: 365-367.

Chauvenet ALM, Baxter PWJ, McDonald-Madden E, Possingham HP. 2010. Optimal allocation of conservation effort among subpopulations of a threatened species: How important is patch quality? Ecological Applications 20: 789-797.

McDonald-Madden E, Gordon A, Wintle, BA, Walker S, Grantham H, Carvalho S, Bottrill M, Joseph L, Ponce R, Stewart R, Possingham HP. 2009. "True" conservation progress. Science 323: 43-44.

Game ET, Bode M, McDonald-Madden E, Grantham HS, Possingham HP. 2009. Dynamic marine protected areas can improve the resilience of coral reef systems. Ecology Letters 12: 1336-1345.

Bottrill MC, Joseph LN, Carwardine J, Bode M, Cook C, Game ET, Grantham H, Kark S, Linke S, McDonald-Madden E, Pressey RB, Walker S, Wilson KA, Possingham HP. 2009. Finite conservation funds mean triage is unavoidable. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 24: 183-184.

McDonald-Madden E, Bode M, Game ET, Grantham H, Possingham HP. 2008. The need for speed: informed land acquisitions for conservation in a dynamic property market. Ecology Letters 11: 1169-1177.

McDonald-Madden E, Baxter PWJ, Possingham HP. 2008. Subpopulation triage: how to allocate conservation effort among populations. Conservation Biology 22: 656-665.

McDonald-Madden E, Baxter PWJ, Possingham HP. 2008. Making robust decisions for conservation with restricted money and knowledge. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 1630-1638.

Game ET, McDonald-Madden E, Puotinen ML, Possingham HP. 2008. Should we protect the strong or the weak? Risk, resilience, and the selection of marine protected areas. Conservation Biology 22: 1619-1629.

Chadès I, McDonald-Madden E, McCarthy MA, Wintle B, Linkie M, Possingham HP. 2008. When to stop managing or surveying cryptic threatened species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 105: 13936-13940.

Bottrill MC, Joseph LN, Carwardine J. Bode M, Cook C, Game ET, Grantham H, Kark S, Linke S, McDonald-Madden E, Pressey RL, Walker S, Wilson KA, Possingham HP. 2008. Is conservation triage just smart decision making? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 23: 649-654.

Reddiex B, Forsyth DM, McDonald-Madden E, Einoder LD, Griffioen PA, Chick RR, Robley AJ. 2006. Control of pest mammals for biodiversity protection in Australia. I. Patterns of control and monitoring. Wildlife Research 33: 691-709.

Forsyth DM, Scroggie MP, McDonald-Madden E. 2006. Accuracy and precision of grey-headed flying-fox (Pteropus poliocephalus) flyout counts. Wildlife Research 33: 57-65.

McDonald-Madden E, Schreiber ESG, Forsyth DM, Choquenot D, Clancy TF. 2005. Factors affecting grey-headed flying-fox (Pteropus poliocephalus: Pteropodidae) foraging in the Melbourne metropolitan area, Australia. Austral Ecology 30: 600-608.

McDonald-Madden E, Elgar MA, Handasyde KA. 2004. Responses to threat by female bobucks, Trichosurus caninus, during different stages of offspring development. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 56: 322-327.

McDonald-Madden E, Coulson G. 2002. A population study of Eastern Grey Kangaroos Macropus giganteus at Tower Hill State Game Reserve, south-western Victoria. Victorian Naturalist 119: 252-258.

McDonald-Madden E, Akers LK, Brenner DJ, Howell S, Patullo BW, Elgar MA. 2000. Possums in the park: efficient foraging under the risk of predation or of competition? Australian Journal of Zoology 48: 155-160.


Martin JK, Handasyde KA, Wright CJ, Ayers LT, McDonald-Madden E, Reside A. 2004. Aspects of the ecology of the bobuck Trichosurus caninus in the Strathbogie Ranges, Victoria. In Goldingay RL, Jackson SM (Eds.) The Biology of Australian Possums and Gliders. Surrey Beatty & Sons Pty Ltd, Chipping Norton, Australia, pages 484-489.

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